Adair tournament brackets. First games will be Monday, December 4th. Girls play Locust Grove at 7:10 and boys play Locust Grove at 8:30.
about 1 year ago, KHS Admin
Adair tourney girls' bracket
Adair tourney boys bracket
Meet the Warrior night, Friday, Nov. 17 begins at 5:00 PM. Silent auction and lots of basketball starting with 7th grade and going up to high school scrimmaging Chelsea.
about 1 year ago, KHS Admin
Seniors and their parents will be recognized before the home ballgame with Commerce on Friday, Oct. 27 at 6:30 PM Football - Harley Scroggins Eli Wigelsworth Jaedon Trout Brendan Smith Kamden Marquis David Garcia Jeremiah Richison Cody Brown Trenton Sandridge Lane Collins Cheerleaders- Destiny Simmons Karson Shilling Madison Beisley-Barnes Rhiley Williams Rayley Williams
about 1 year ago, KHS Admin
Fall leaves
Help support our NHS by ordering a Halloween Treat bag for your student, their friends, and their teachers. Orders are due by Monday, October 30th. Just fill out the Google Form in the link below for each person you want to send the delivery to. Money goes to Mrs. Warford in the High School. It is $3 for a bag of candy and $5 for a bag of candy with a little stuffed animal. These will be delivered on Halloween. This is only for Middle School and High School at this time Thank you for your support!
about 1 year ago, KHS Admin
Halloween poster for candy
Senior cap and gown orders and ring orders will also be postponed. Watch your email and classrooms for more information.
about 1 year ago, KHS Admin
RSU trip will be postponed. Watch your emails and classrooms for more information.
about 1 year ago, KHS Admin
No School TODAY!!! Water issues. Stay tuned for more information.
about 1 year ago, KHS Admin
School Pictures are this Friday, October 27th. Make sure you wear your best clothes and a smile. Students were given order forms or you can pick one up in the offices. Select the package you'd like to order with your child's name on the form. Payments can be made with Cash, Check, or credit card. You can also order on the Website, or by phone, 1-800-257-2998.
about 1 year ago, KHS Admin
Cap and gown orders or class ring orders will be taken this Wednesday at 10:00 AM. Students should have all the information. They can find it on Classroom. Order forms are in the library.
about 1 year ago, KHS Admin
National Red Ribbon Week is a drug and violence prevention awareness campaign! For National Red Ribbon Week we have the following dress up days: Oct 23-I’m committed to be drug free- wear Red Oct-24-Peace out to drugs-70s theme Oct-25-Team up against drugs-wear sports gear Oct-26-Partner up against drugs-twin day Oct 27-Our school is drug free-spirit day Oct 30-Lei off drugs-Hawaii Oct 31-Scare away drugs-Halloween costumes
about 1 year ago, KHS Admin
Ketchum Warriors gear for basketball season. The store closes October 22. This is not a fundraiser for basketball; just a place you can order you Warrior wearables.
about 1 year ago, KHS Admin
Thursday night high school football against Hulbert is Pink Out night!!
about 1 year ago, KHS Admin
Parent-Teacher conferences are Monday and Tuesday evenings from 4-7. All parents are welcome, but if you would like to reserve a time, you can schedule here:
over 1 year ago, KHS Admin
Free flu shots will be available through the Caring Van which will be at Ketchum Public Schools on October 10th at 1:30 pm. Parents must complete the authorization form.
over 1 year ago, KHS Admin
poster with sun, flowers, bee
Flu vaccine consent form
Blood Drive Ketchum High School Sponsored by FCCLA FACS Room- 236 N. Fulton | Ketchum Thursday, October 5, 2023- 9:30 to 2:30 p.m. Please sign up with Mrs. Cregan or visit and enter : Ketchumhs I.D. REQUIRED Come to donate and receive a Red Cross T-shirt
over 1 year ago, KHS Admin
Homecoming pep assembly
over 1 year ago, KHS Admin
pep assembled
Pep assembly
pep assembly
pep assemnly
pep assembly
pep assembly
Good luck at state, Ketchum cheer
over 1 year ago, KHS Admin
Mason Adams is tic tac toe champ
over 1 year ago, KHS Admin
tic tac toe with people
Who will win the spirit stick?
over 1 year ago, KHS Admin
students at pep assembly
students at pep assembly
JV game @Nowata for Monday is canceled.
over 1 year ago, KHS Admin